Friday, January 11, 2013

Stop Bullying Now!!

Yesterday I joined with English Club, and we watched short movie about teenage bullying. I'm felt so sad when I watched this movie.  Acts of bullying are often invisible to adults, parents and teachers are often completely unware that bullying is occuring. 83 % of children report that watching bullying makes them feel uncomfortable and it would interfere with their psychological. Because a high risk of suicidal thoughts are found among children who are bullied, who bully others and who are involved in both roles. I think  this acts is not very good, for adults who were bullied as children are more likely to suffer from depression in adulthood. 276.000 teenagers between the ages 15-25 years try to kill themselves every year, 5000 succeed because the main causes are stress, bullying, failed relationships, abuse, rape, failures at studies. I don't want to see the bullying again, hopefully. Stop bullying now!!  “When people hurt you over and over, think of them like sandpaper. They may scratch and hurt you a bit, but in the end, you end up polished and they end up useless.” 
― Chris Colfer

Saturday, January 5, 2013

punctuation (semicolon)

Today I study about punctuation. There are many punctuation such as, comma, full stop, colon, hypen, dash, question mark, quotation mark, exclamination, semicolon, etc. when I study about it, my teacher asked how semicolon is used other than in emotion?. I said use semicolon as kind of “super comma”. This is to separate sentences that are grammatically independent but that have closely connected meaning.  For examples :
1.   Manda likes coffe; Heyga likes tea.  
2.   You did your best; now let’s hope you pass the exam.
3.   Nando wants to go out; Goerge wants to stay at home.
Sometimes I get confused with punctuation, but I always study more and try to find out my problem especially in punctuation. My teacher always give me another example about punctuation, so I understand about it. Moreover  I and my friends discuss about what we have learned before.  I know it's not simple, but I always want to try study it and I never give up.

Bad habits

I have several homework, but I want do grammar first.  I am doing my homework tonight. I enjoy doing my homework in front of the television. Because I can watch baseball match while I’m doing my homework. Moreover this is my favorite program in television,  I like studying while watching television and playing with my lovely pet. When I study in front of the television, my father comes  with angry face. I know why my father so angry, for  I make big mistake. Because he doesn’t like me study while watch television. My father said we cannot concentrate to study while watching television so that’s what makes him angry. I know is bad habits ; therefore, I don’t do anymore and I promise with my father.