Friday, January 11, 2013

Stop Bullying Now!!

Yesterday I joined with English Club, and we watched short movie about teenage bullying. I'm felt so sad when I watched this movie.  Acts of bullying are often invisible to adults, parents and teachers are often completely unware that bullying is occuring. 83 % of children report that watching bullying makes them feel uncomfortable and it would interfere with their psychological. Because a high risk of suicidal thoughts are found among children who are bullied, who bully others and who are involved in both roles. I think  this acts is not very good, for adults who were bullied as children are more likely to suffer from depression in adulthood. 276.000 teenagers between the ages 15-25 years try to kill themselves every year, 5000 succeed because the main causes are stress, bullying, failed relationships, abuse, rape, failures at studies. I don't want to see the bullying again, hopefully. Stop bullying now!!  “When people hurt you over and over, think of them like sandpaper. They may scratch and hurt you a bit, but in the end, you end up polished and they end up useless.” 
― Chris Colfer

Saturday, January 5, 2013

punctuation (semicolon)

Today I study about punctuation. There are many punctuation such as, comma, full stop, colon, hypen, dash, question mark, quotation mark, exclamination, semicolon, etc. when I study about it, my teacher asked how semicolon is used other than in emotion?. I said use semicolon as kind of “super comma”. This is to separate sentences that are grammatically independent but that have closely connected meaning.  For examples :
1.   Manda likes coffe; Heyga likes tea.  
2.   You did your best; now let’s hope you pass the exam.
3.   Nando wants to go out; Goerge wants to stay at home.
Sometimes I get confused with punctuation, but I always study more and try to find out my problem especially in punctuation. My teacher always give me another example about punctuation, so I understand about it. Moreover  I and my friends discuss about what we have learned before.  I know it's not simple, but I always want to try study it and I never give up.

Bad habits

I have several homework, but I want do grammar first.  I am doing my homework tonight. I enjoy doing my homework in front of the television. Because I can watch baseball match while I’m doing my homework. Moreover this is my favorite program in television,  I like studying while watching television and playing with my lovely pet. When I study in front of the television, my father comes  with angry face. I know why my father so angry, for  I make big mistake. Because he doesn’t like me study while watch television. My father said we cannot concentrate to study while watching television so that’s what makes him angry. I know is bad habits ; therefore, I don’t do anymore and I promise with my father.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

English Club

Two days ago I joined with English club at my campus. English club will be held every friday at 01.00 pm - 03.00 pm. Wow it's my first time I join with English club, so I am very interested about that .The first tutor is miss Siwi, I think some people of you know her very well. The first session in English club we are studied about introduction. We can introduce self by self and we share about what is your motivation to choose English department, and what is your favorite subject. It's very happy, very interesting and feel comfort when I joined with English club. I don't want to missed one session in English club. I hope when I joined with English club I can improve my skills in English and try to develop my talents.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Helloo everybody.....
Today is Mother's Day right and I believe some of you celebrate it. I think most of you have their own way of celebrating Mother's Day. I celebrated Mother's Day by give special gift to her and make special food. My mother so surprised and look so happy. I'm very proud of you as mother and the way have you raised your children. I think no words seem enough to thank you for being so wonderful in my life mom. I just want you to know how much I love you and how much I need you. :* I hope your special day is blessed with sunshine and smiles laughter, love and happiness. Not only this day but everyday is your special day. I love you so much my mother and you are my everything in my life. :* ({})  I have special quoate " I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me, they have clung to me all my life" ~Abraham Lincoln~

Don't give up :D


Hmmm.... I think I have the same problem with a little girl who is in the picture. She always try to write a little bit every day. Although there is a little man who looks confused to see her, but she always try to write something whenever and wherever. Why we must try to write a little bit every day? because if you never try you will never know how to make good writing. I agree that practice a lot in writing can improve my skill in writing. I try to write something in my blog , so I can tell about anything in my blog. I always try to write whatever not only on my blog, but I try to write in my notes, my laptop and my account. I can share anything such as my hobbies, my score, my family, my experiences and my life. So far I try to write one sentence or just one word everyday, but I want to write a little bit more every day. I know it's so hard to do it, but I want  to do it and how do I do it?? I think I must try to write every time,every where and every day so I can do it and I will do it. Practice, practice and practice that's the key to make good writing. keep fighting Ajeng :D

Saturday, December 15, 2012

My blog

When I see this picture. I always remember to write something in my new blog. That's the first time I made this blog. I can tell and share anything that I have ever seen in my life. And then I can improve my writing skill in my blog. I am so happy to write anything in my blog because I like writing. Sometimes I get confused to make a good writing because I don't know little bit how to make a good writing. But I always try to make it and to do it.  I have more practice to make a good writing to transfer my idea on my writng. I hope I can make improve my English writing in my blog. I never give up to do it. keep fighting :D