Saturday, December 29, 2012

English Club

Two days ago I joined with English club at my campus. English club will be held every friday at 01.00 pm - 03.00 pm. Wow it's my first time I join with English club, so I am very interested about that .The first tutor is miss Siwi, I think some people of you know her very well. The first session in English club we are studied about introduction. We can introduce self by self and we share about what is your motivation to choose English department, and what is your favorite subject. It's very happy, very interesting and feel comfort when I joined with English club. I don't want to missed one session in English club. I hope when I joined with English club I can improve my skills in English and try to develop my talents.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Helloo everybody.....
Today is Mother's Day right and I believe some of you celebrate it. I think most of you have their own way of celebrating Mother's Day. I celebrated Mother's Day by give special gift to her and make special food. My mother so surprised and look so happy. I'm very proud of you as mother and the way have you raised your children. I think no words seem enough to thank you for being so wonderful in my life mom. I just want you to know how much I love you and how much I need you. :* I hope your special day is blessed with sunshine and smiles laughter, love and happiness. Not only this day but everyday is your special day. I love you so much my mother and you are my everything in my life. :* ({})  I have special quoate " I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me, they have clung to me all my life" ~Abraham Lincoln~

Don't give up :D


Hmmm.... I think I have the same problem with a little girl who is in the picture. She always try to write a little bit every day. Although there is a little man who looks confused to see her, but she always try to write something whenever and wherever. Why we must try to write a little bit every day? because if you never try you will never know how to make good writing. I agree that practice a lot in writing can improve my skill in writing. I try to write something in my blog , so I can tell about anything in my blog. I always try to write whatever not only on my blog, but I try to write in my notes, my laptop and my account. I can share anything such as my hobbies, my score, my family, my experiences and my life. So far I try to write one sentence or just one word everyday, but I want to write a little bit more every day. I know it's so hard to do it, but I want  to do it and how do I do it?? I think I must try to write every time,every where and every day so I can do it and I will do it. Practice, practice and practice that's the key to make good writing. keep fighting Ajeng :D

Saturday, December 15, 2012

My blog

When I see this picture. I always remember to write something in my new blog. That's the first time I made this blog. I can tell and share anything that I have ever seen in my life. And then I can improve my writing skill in my blog. I am so happy to write anything in my blog because I like writing. Sometimes I get confused to make a good writing because I don't know little bit how to make a good writing. But I always try to make it and to do it.  I have more practice to make a good writing to transfer my idea on my writng. I hope I can make improve my English writing in my blog. I never give up to do it. keep fighting :D

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

my score

Today I want tell you about my writing score. Wow I speechless when I got bad score for midterm test. I was surprised, I panic and I am sad. But I must face it and I must study hard than before. I don’t want to be loser. Keep fighting.  :D
When I review my answer , oh my god I got  problem with accuracy. sometimes I got confused with parts of speech and punctuation. And I know what I have to do are practice a lot and review  about what I have learned before and be confindence  that’s the key I think.

Me and my sisters

I love you so much my sisters :*
We always go to shopping together ;D
I love my parents so much :*

My self

Hello ladies and gentlemen……
Today I want to tell you about my self. Let’s see and please enjoy :D 
My name is Ajeng Puspa Hayati, you can call me “Ajeng”. I’m student of Prof.dr. Hamka university. I’m the second child of three children. My elder sister is Eka Dewi Pertiwi and younger sister is Wening Cahya Putri.I love my family never ended. My hobbies are watching movies, listening music and singing because it’s make feels happy and enjoy. I like romantic movies, horror movies,  and action movies.I like friedrice, manggo juice,milk and mineral water.
Ohh yeaah this my  new blog. Sometimes I get confused how to use this blog, but  I don't give up. I will try to understand it as soon as possible. In my blog I will try to make beautiful writing to share about anything in my world, in what I have seen before. I hope this is useful to improve my skills especially in writing. I want to practice and practice because practice is everything… see youuu  ;D

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Relative Clauses

Hai pals…..
Today I study  about relative clauses with who/whom/which and I want to share you about that….
Who follows by verb/to be
Example :
1.     The lady teaches English. She is standing over there. à The lady who is standing over there teaches English.
2.    The boy  is my boyfriend. He is with us. à The boy who is with us is my boyfriend.
3.    Was it Janeth. She said that. à Was it Janeth who said that?
Whom follows by subject
Example :
1.     This is mr.Jack. I talked to him yesterday. à This is mr. Jack whom I talked to yesterday.
2.    She is the girl. I saw her at the library two days ago. à She is the girl whom I saw at the library two days ago.
3.    The teacher is mr.Brown. I like him best. à The teacher whom I like best is mr.Brown.
Which refers to a thing
Example :
1.     The vase is unique. It is on the table. à The vase which is on the table is unique.
2.    Is this the bag. You want it. à Is this the bag which you want?.
3.    The music concert was not good. We saw it last night. à The music concert which we saw last night was not good.
Okey pals that is all and I hope this is useful and increase our knowledge. See you later :D  

Monday, December 3, 2012

scary moment

Okay, Now I'm gonna write a short story of my life, this is my experience about a scary moment.

Lately, I do my homework until midnight, when I got seriously did my homework, I heard a voice of the girl cried, it's so loud. At first, I just ignored the voice, but its hard to ignored, its so annoyed. I can't concetrated and I'm so scared. It's 00:30 o'clock in that time, its impossible my family its still wake up, I felt really teribble, I'm scared but I'm curious too! hehe So, I came to the voice where its coming from, when I open my room, when I just touch the doors, the voice is faded away. I remember about the kuntilanak myth, when the cried voice is so loud, it means she's not around us, then when the cried voice is faded away, it means she's around us. I'm breathing so fast, my heart is beating so fast, my knees shake so hard, but I need to know whats is going on, I can't be afraid, if  I afraid, she will win and she's gonna scared me all night long. I have god, I trusted god, and I pray in my heart that everything is gonna be alright. So I said this loudly "Please go away, I dont disturb you, I dont afraid of you, Please go away, dont come back anymore, don't disturb me anymore". The cried voice is becoming a laugh voice, I scared but I must be brave. So I ignored her voice, but when I want comeback to do my homework, I saw a shadow in the window but I grab all of my courage and scrap the drapery, and guess what I saw? There’s nothing! Oh yeah finally its kind a relief. The voice is gone now, and I decided to get sleep before she’s coming again..hahahaha