Monday, December 3, 2012

Sentence writing :D

Today is busy day because I have a lot of activity. I went to campus at 06.30 . when i came to campus i met my friend and we talked about midterm test  speaking class. And she asked me,” what class do you have today?”  I said “today I have writing class and critical reading class until 01.00 pm”. And then my friend went to her class and I went to my class. My  first class is writing class :D Sometimes I got confused to understand  sentences, but I try to find out the sentences in oxford dictionary for grammaticaly. Today we have learned about sentences : what is clause, what is phrase, what is independent clause or dependent clause, what is simple sentence, what is compound sentence and  I want to review about them..
1.What is clause?
Clause a group of words that contains a subject and a verb.
Ø  Two kinds of clauses : independent clause and dependent clause.
Ø  Independent clause, a group of words contains a subject and a verb. It expresses a complete thought and it can stand alone as a sentence by it self.
Ø  Dependent clause, a group of words it begins with subordinator, such as when, while, if, etc. it doesn’t express a complete thought and cannot stand alone as a sentence by it self.
2. What is phrase?
Phrase a group of words without subject and verb.
Ø  Noun phrase : Nile River, The old Chair
Ø  Prepotional phrase : At home
Ø  Adjective phrase : In the world
3. What is sentence?
Sentence a group of words contains a subject and a verb. It begins with capital letter and ends with period. It used to communicate ideas.
4. What is simple sentence?
Simple sentence a group of words consists of one subject and one verb (independent clause). But sometimes, simple sentence consist of two subjects and two verbs.
Examples :
v  I enjoy swimming with my sister every weekend.
v  Sarah read and write  story in her notebook every day.
v  My mother and I play tennis and go shopping every week.
5. What is compound sentence?
Compound sentence it is related to two or more independent clause joined together.
3     ways to identify compound sentence :
1. Coordinators FANBOYS :
v  for ( showing reason)
v  and (showing similar idea)
v  nor (showing negative)
v  but (showing contrasting idea)
v  or (showing alternative possibilities)
v  yet (showing contrasting idea)
v  so (showing the result)
2. subordinator adverb : moreover, however, otherwise, etc.
3. use semicolon
Examples :
1.     I forgot to study last night, so I got bad score for grammar midterm test.
2.    I got bad score for midterm test, for I forgot study last night.
3.    I forgot to study last night ;  therefore, I got bad score for grammar midterm test.
Okey so far I already understand and recognize sentences. And I want practice a lot and practice because practice is everything!!  see you… :D


  1. Well Ajeng, knowing the concept is not enough, you need to support it by practicing as well.

    Further, your introductory part above is ineffective sentences, just focus on what you are going to say. Also, pay attention to your spelling, capitalization, and word choice.

    Keep practicing!

  2. okey miss thanks for your comment :) I will try to practice more and more.
